PowerSchool Instructions
This link will bring you to the correct page where you will need to create a user account with a User ID and Password. If you have any questions about your account you can contact Jessica Vulpis by email at [email protected] or call 718-447-8878 x501
PowerSchool includes:
- Your daughter’s class schedule
- List of your daughter’s classes and teachers
- An electronic record of attendance
- An electronic record of grades
To view assignments, click on the grade or dash in the current marking period
Q1 =Quarter 1 Q3=Quarter 4 S1= Semester 1 R1= Regents
Q2=Quarter 2 Q4=Quarter 4 S2= Semester 2 Y1= Final Year Average
You will also see any assignments, quizzes, and exams already graded. Assignments are posted on Google Classroom.
Daily Schedule
- NDA uses a 6 day rotating schedule. Days are labeled A-F
- There are 9 periods plus homeroom each day
- Homeroom is 8:00-8:15
- Periods 1, 2, 8, and 9 are 60 minutes
- Periods 3,4,5,6, and 7 are 30 minutes
- Each class meets 4 times per cycle
- Upper level science labs are 90 minutes
- Lunch is 30 minutes
If your daughter is absent, please call the attendance office and leave a message reporting her absence. Dial 718-447-8878 x555
If a student is absent for a class that meets for two periods, two absences will appear on PS, but be assured that she will only be marked absent for one class.
Grades will change as often as a new grade is posted, but may not reflect the grade a student will receive for the marking period, since the grade shown does not always take into account the varying weight of assignments, quizzes or exams.
The current GPA at the bottom of the page will be blank until the first semester is complete and will only be updated at the end of each semester.